K2K is starting to take data (March-June, 1999)
On March 3rd, 1999, the K2K experiment starts its neutrino physics run for the first time.
The neutrinos are generated by the 12 GeV proton
beam hitting an aluminium target inside a neutrino horn.
The neutrino are then sent to the K2K near detector inside the KEK laboratoty,
300 m away from the target, and to the far detector (Super-Kamiokande
detector) at Kamioka, 250 km away from the KEK laboratory.
Event Display of the Neutrino Interaction observed at KEK
The neutrino events are observed successfully by the front detector
system at KEK. Typical neutrino interaction
event displays both for
Fine-Grained detector and Water Cherenkov Detector are given below.
Fine-Grained Detector Display
1kt Online Event Display
E-mail: www@neutrino.kek.jp