General Instructions for K2K Shift Workers

(last update: 10/29/2004, J. Wilkes)

GPS check added to the regular NH-CR shift duty:
A new check for GPS timing was added to the check list. Here is the procedure:
Go to "TRG vs GPS Statistics" plots.
(or: From shift schedules and information page, click Online monitors" then "GPS system monitor". Click "TRG vs GPS1/GPS2 statistics")
Check the most bottom figure, "histogram of GPS1-GPS2 (24h)". Please make sure that the figure is recently updated, if not: reload.
If the distribution is within +/- 100nsec range, it is OK. If not, please call an expert.
GPS experts:
Hans Berns ( )
Hiroki Sato ( )

(1) Whenever accelerator group changes any parameters which are related to fast extraction and the ion source, they will CALL the K2K shift person at North Counter Hall (x5758) and explain what they do. Accelerator group records the change in the accelerator group logbook.

When the K2K North Hall shift person receives this call, he must record it in the K2K logbook, and also notify the Nu-Hall shift crew (phone 5773).

Then, he must watch for any changes in EP1-CT (CT at EP1), TGT-CT (CT at Target) and SPD (SSD at Muon pit). They can be seen in the web page Click *Beamline Monitor Applet (Ver1.0 for Accelerator) for these three quantities (Names = EP1, SPIC and SPD, respectively)

(2) When Accelerator group changes any other parameters than the ones in (1), they record these changes in the accelerator group logbook, but they do not call us.

If the shift person observes a big change (>5%), then he should be careful. A big increase in EP1-CT, TGT-CT and SPD is welcome. If he sees a big decrease in these CTs or a big decrease in SPD, then he should tell accelerator group about it and tell them to go back to the previous parameter. It is advised that he consult the beam monitor group (Ishii or Sakuda if any beam monitor members are not found), if he cannot judge by himself. In either case, the decision should be recorded in the logbook and reported via e-mail (To: monitor@neutrino, steering@neutrino).

As we gain experience, we may find other important machine parameters which affect our neutrino yield. Then, we will add these items to the ones given in (1). Similarly, if any one of these items turns out to be not very important, then we drop the item from the list.

NH-CR instructions last updated:
M. Sakuda, 1/19/00