K2K Publications
To search the xxx.lanl archive for K2K Collaboration papers, click here.
(Searches for K2K in author OR title, all years, all relevant archives -
results may include papers other than official K2K pubs)
Refereed Publications
- Neutrino oscillation papers
- "Measurement of Neutrino Oscillation by the K2K Experiment"
The K2K collaboration,
M. H. Ahn et al,
Phys. Rev. D 74, 072003 (2006).
- "Improved search for nu_mu to nu_e oscillation in a
long-baseline accelerator experiment"
The K2K collaboration, S.Yamamoto et al, hep-ex/0603004,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 181801 (2006).
- "Evidence for muon neutrino oscillation in an accelerator-based
The K2K collaboration, E. Aliu et al, hep-ex/0411038,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 081802 (2005).
- "Search for Electron Neutrino Appearance in a 250 km Long
Baseline Experiment"
The K2K collaboration, M.H. Ahn et al, hep-ex/0402017,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 051801 (2004).
- "Indications of Neutrino Oscillation in a 250 km Long-baseline Experiment"
The K2K collaboration, M.H. Ahn et al, hep-ex/0212007,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 041801 (2003).
- "Detection of Accelerator-Produced Neutrinos at a Distance of 250
The K2K collaboration, S.H. Ahn et al, hep-ex/0103001,
Phys.Lett. B511 (2001) 178-184.
- Neutrino-nucleus interaction papers
- "Measurement of single charged pion production in the
charged-current interactions of neutrinos in a 1.3 GeV wide band beam"
The K2K collaboration, A. Rodriguez, L. Whitehead et al,
Phys. Rev. D 78, 032003 (2008).
- "Measurement of the quasielastic axial vector mass in neutrino
interactions on oxigen"
The K2K collaboration, R. Gran, E. J. Jeon et al,
Phys. Rev. D 74, 052002 (2006).
- "Search for coherent charged pion production in neutrino-carbon interactions"
The K2K collaboration, M. Hasegawa et al, hep-ex/0506008,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 252301 (2005).
- "Measurement of single pi0 production in neutral current neutrino
interactions with water by a 1.3 GeV wide band muon neutrino beam"
The K2K collaboration, S. Nakayama et al, hep-ex/0408134,
Phys. Lett. B619 (2005) 255-262
- Technical papers
- "The K2K Scibar Detector"
K. Nitta et al, K2K SciBar
group, hep-ex/0406023 ,
Nucl. Instrum. Meth.A535 (2004) 147-151.
- "Tracking Performance of the Scintillating Fiber Detector in the
K2K Experiment"
B.J.Kim et al. hep-ex/0206041,
Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A497 (2003) 450-466.
- "Near Muon Range Detector for the K2K Experiment -Construction
and Performance-"
The K2K MRD GROUP, T. Ishii et al,hep-ex/0107041,
Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A482 (2002) 244-253.
- "Design, construction, and operation of SciFi tracking detector for K2K
A. Suzuki, H. Park, and the K2K collaboration, hep-ex/0004024 ,
Nucl. Instrum. Meth.A453 (2000) 165-176.
Conference Papers
- "Indication of neutrino oscillation in the K2K
neutrino oscillation experiment",
Taku Ishida (for K2K collaboration),
Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vallee d'Aoste (La Thuile 03), March 9-15, 2003.
KEK Preprint 2003-30.
- "Current Status of the K2K Experiment",
Yuichi Oyama (for K2K collaboration),
Cairo International Conference on
Energy Physics, Cairo, Egypt, January 9-14, 2001,
KEK Preprint 2001-7,
hep-ex/0104014, 109 kB.
- "
Recent Results from the K2K (KEK-to-Kamioka) Neutrino Oscillation
S.Boyd (for K2K collaboration) the Sixth International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics,
Victoria, BC, Canada, September 19, 2000. hep-ex/0011039.
- Hyeonseo Park, Proceedings of the 8th Asia Pacific Physics Conference and the
3rd ACFA/LC workshop, Aug. 7, 2000, Taipei, Taiwan..
- " The First Results of K2K long-baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiment"
/proc./trp./, Taku Ishida (for
K2K collaboration) CIPANP2000: the 7th Conference On Intersections Between Particle
And Nuclear Physics , Quebec, Canada, June 25-28, 2000. hep-ex/0008047.
- "Current status of K2K long-baseline neutrino-oscillation experiment",
Yuichi Oyama (for K2K collaboration) XXXV Rencontres de Moriond: Electroweak
interactions and unified theories, Les Arcs, France, March 11-18, 2000. hep-ex/0004015.
- "Recent results from K2K neutrino oscillation experiment", M. Sakuda,
Proceedings of ICRR workshop, Feb.13-15, 2000.
- "Experimental Results on Neutrino Oscillations using Atmospheric, Solar and
Accelerator Beams", D. Kielczewska (for the Super-Kamiokande and K2K
Collaborations) Acta Physica Polonica B31, 1181 (2000); talk at the Cracow
Epiphany Conf. on Neutrinos in Physics and Astrophysics, Cracow, Poland, Jan. 6-9,
- "Design, construction, and operation of SciFi tracking detector for K2K
experiment" A. Suzuki, H. Park, and the K2K collaboration, Proc. 7th
International Conference on Instrumentation for Colliding Beam Physics, Hamamatsu,
Japan, Nov. 15-19, 1999. hep-ex/0004024
, published as Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A453 (2000) 165-176.
- "GPS Time
Synchronization System for K2K", H.G. Berns and R.J. Wilkes, 11th
IEEE NPSS Real Time Conference (RT99), June 14-18, 1999, Santa Fe, New Mexico,
published as IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 47 (2000) 340.
- "K2K (KEK to Kamioka) neutrino-oscillation experiment at KEK-PS" Yuichi
Oyama (for K2K collaboration), YITP Workshop on Flavor Physics, Kyoto, Japan,
January 28-30, 1998 hep-ex/9803014.
Student Theses
- "Search for nu_mu to nu_e oscillation in a long-baseline
accelerator experiment,
Shimpei Yamamoto, PhD Thesis, Kyoto University, June 2006
- "Measurement of Neutrino Oscillation Parameters with
Neutrino-Nucleus Interaction studies in the K2K Experiment,
Masaya Hasegawa, PhD Thesis, Kyoto University, January 2006
- "Evidence for Muon Neutrino Oscillation in an Accelerator-based Experiment,
Hirokazu Maesaka, PhD Thesis, Kyoto University, July 2005
- "Study of low-energy neutrino spectrum in the K2K long base-line neutrino
oscillation experiment,
Hiromi Yokoyama, PhD Thesis, Tokyo University of Science, Sep. 2004
- "Indications of Neutrino Oscillation in K2K Experiment,
Issei Kato, PhD Thesis, Kyoto University, Jul. 2004 /pdf/
- "Indications of Muon Neutrino Oscillation in a 250 km Long Baseline Experiment,
Taiki Iwashita, PhD Thesis, Kobe University, Mar. 2003 /pdf/
- "Limits on nu_mu - nu_sterile Oscillations by the pi0/mu measurement in the Water Cherenkiv Detectors,
Shoei Nakayama, PhD Thesis, University of Tokyo, Mar. 2003 /ps.gz/
- "Study of Neutrino Oscilation in the Long Baseline Neutrino Experiment,
Shuei Yamada, PhD Thesis, University of Tokyo, Mar. 2003
- " Study of neutrino-oxygen quasi-elastic scattering with the K2K fine-grain detector and determination of the axial vector mass M_A,
Eunju Jeon, PhD Thesis, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Sokendai), Mar. 2003
- "Measurement of the Disappearance of Muon Neutrino in 250 km Long Base Line Experiment,
Takahiro Inagaki, PhD Thesis, Kyoto University, Jul. 2001 /pdf/
- "Search for numu->nue oscillation using 250km long baseline neutrino beam",
Makoto Yoshida, PhD Thesis, Osaka University, Feb. 2001
- "First Obserbation of Accelerator Origin Neutrino Beam After Passing Through 250km of Earth,
Takasumi Maruyama, PhD Thesis, Tohoku University, Nov. 2000 /ps.gz/
- "The neutrino beam properties for long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment in Japan,
Mitsuhiro Kohama, PhD Thesis, Kobe University, Mar. 2000
- "Particle type
identification with the KEK and IMB-3 detectors ", John L. Breault IV, PhD
thesis, UC/Irvine, 1997.
(Although not a K2K thesis, this describes the particle identification method used in both
K2K and Super-K, and its calibration via KEK E261).
Maintained by J. Wilkes, updated:
08 Jun. 2006